Tuesday, October 23, 2007


I am overwhelmed. I'm crying. I'm laughing, I'm happy. I don't know how to explain my feelings right now other than a mix of sheer joy and contentment. God didn't miss a beat........ I have been through so much these last 72 hours, but God! How did He do it? I've come to realize so many things in these last few days, things I always knew deep down inside, but I refused to let them surface. I was so sick of being in the same place, and I used to think that time is on a long road. It's thirsty and it's tired. It's crawling to the place you're trying to get to, but it's going so slowly. But I realized it wasn't time that was moving slowly, it was me. I refused to mature! God wouldn't let me move on physically, and emotionally until I matured spiritually. I realized all this last night. With tears streaming down my face, I knelt, and cried out to God. I surrendered before Him and let Him take control. Now, I am back on track, and right with God. I bet that this makes no sense to you, and it sounds like I'm starting from the middle of a story. In a way, it's the end of a story and the beginning of a new one. I'm in my own world, figuring out the pieces of the puzzle to my life, and putting them all together to form a masterpiece that God made. *Sigh*........ isn't God amazing?

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