Sunday, March 23, 2008

Cry Freedom, America!

I am so sorry to be gone for so long! But I'm back now, hopefully more often :). Lately, God has really been stirring my heart for America. It seems purity is slipping away more and more as each generation is born. I read this speach and decided to expand a litte on it, because I believe in my heart that the United States of America is slowly falling apart. I'm praying and I hope you are as well, for a new spirit of unity and holiness to be birthed in America.....God Bless America!!!

When Minister Joe Wright was asked to open the new session of the
Kansas Senate, everyone was expecting the usual generalities, but
this is what they heard;
"Heavenly Father,
We come before you today
To ask your forgiveness and
To seek your direction and guidance.
We know Your Word says,
"Woe to those who call evil good"
But that is exactly what we have done.
We have lost our spiritual equilibrium
And reversed our values.
We have exploited the poor and
Called it the lottery.
We have rewarded laziness
And called it welfare.
We have killed our unborn
and called it choice.
We have shot abortionists
and called it justifiable.
We have neglected to discipline
Our children and called it
building self esteem.
We have abused power
And called it politics.
We have coveted our neighbor's
Possessions and called it ambition.
We have polluted the air
With profanity and
Pornography and called it
Freedom of speech and expression.
We have ridiculed the time
Honored values of our
Forefathers and called it enlightenment.
"We the people of the United States of America, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and to our Posterirt, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Search us, Oh, God,
And know our hearts today;
Cleanse us from every sin
And set us free..

The response was immediate. A number of legislators walked out during the prayer in protest. In 6 short weeks, Central Christian Church, where Rev. Wright is pastor, logged more than 5,000 phone calls with only 47 of those calls responding negatively. The church is now receiving
international requests for copies of this prayer from India , Africa and Korea.
Commentator Paul Harvey aired this prayer on his radio Program, "The
Rest of the Story," and received a larger response to this program than any
other he has ever aired.
With the Lord's help, may this prayer sweep over our Nation and

wholeheartedly become our desire so that we again can be called

"One Nation Under God."

"That we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain; that this nation, under God, shall have A NEW BIRTH OF FREEDOM; and that government of the people, by the people, for the peopl, shall not perish from the earth"

It is my deepest prayer as an American that the citizens of the United States of America never forget their background. On what the nation was built on...Truth, justice, righteousness and purity. I pray that once again, this generation shall not forsake the greatness that made this nation great. That the youth, the next leaders and lawyers, the next mayors and politicians, shall always rely on the Power that Ameica has stood on for years. This Power is truth. This Power is purity, this Power is justice. This Power has come from the Book that our Founding Father's relied on. The Holy Bible, and if this generation forsakes it, and does not carry it on to their posterity, all will be lost for this nation. America will sink down into a place it has never been before.It is up to this generation to carry on the pride that the United States has carried for so long. Someone has said "America is only one generation away from polygamy" and it's true. It is time for America to have a a new birth of freedom. Freedom from negative mindsets, freedom from immorality, freedom from drugs, sex before marriage, and alchohol. Freedom to grow into the great generation that God desires us to be, that God has destined us to be. Time is running out...but if the people of the United States of America, "in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and to our Posterirty" this dying country can rise up to the place God wants it to be.

"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed;...a perfect Union, one and inseperable; established upon those principles of FREEDOM, EQUALITY, JUSTICE, and HUMANITY for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes. I THEREFORE BELIEVE IT IS MY DUTY TO MY COUNTRY TO LOVE IT; TO SUPPORT IT'S CONSTITUTION; TO OBEY ITS LAWS; TO RESPECT ITS FLAG;AND TO DEFEND IT AGAINST ALL ENEMIES." The greatest enemy of all right now is one American's can defeat if they believe they can. Cry Freedom, America!

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