Tuesday, September 22, 2009

From Day One

Yesterday I was totally in love with You,
Today I woke up confused.
Yesterday I trusted You with everything,
Today I'm thinking of taking off this ring,
Called love, that You gave to me,
The day You promised to love me.
From Day One.

One day I love you,
The next I say I'm through,
How do You cope?
How come You don't lose hope,
On this unfaithful bride,
Who's found herself tied
To others besides You.
How have you never unsaid Your "I do's"
From Day One?

I keep losing the revelation,
That You are the re-filling station
Always full of everything I need
And yet I don't always follow Your lead.
Yet You've always been patient,
Cause You know I'm a sick patient,
Who needs love and healing,
And You've always been healing
From Day One.

Oh Lord! How You love me,
A poor and wretched thing,
Who doesn't always cling,
To You and Your salvation
That You gave me since my creation.
Yet worthy because You died,
And like Peter, I have lied,
Your power I have denied,
But now I cry,
Out and realize again that it's Jesus
Who's freed us,
And redeemed us,
From Our Day One.

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